Identifying a key person as 'national WBTi coordinator'.
Identifying a core group of 4-5 persons, including representatives from the government, UNICEF, WHO, NGOs and other professional organizations, but avoiding conflicts of interest.
Meeting of the core group to discuss and plan for the assessment.
Facilitation of assessment according to WBTi guidelines.
Fixing responsibilities, who will do what on all 1-15 indicators.
Collection of information and sharing within the core group.
Finalizing the draft report identifying gaps and recommendations.
Step 2: Local Discussion & Consensus
Presenting the draft report to a wider audience for review, comments and consensus.
Incorporating comments or suggestions into the report.
Sharing the draft report with WBTi Global Secretariat for review and verification.
Finalisation of the report by the core group and approval to upload on the WBTi portal.
The WBTi secretariat facilitates data entry to generate colour-coding and scoring.
Step 3: Reporting & Call to Action
A country report and report card is developed based on the scores and colour codes. The templates are available
A call to action is organised nationally to share findings with the governments who are potential users and other partners like donors, researchers, academia, CSOs working on women and children's issues and MCH advocacy groups.
Reports and report cards are made public through media.
Reports can be used to generate journal articles.
Reports can be used for specific advocacy with the donors to seek support where most needed.